Monday, December 1, 2014

Think on Paper

By Bill Kerzman, Director, PATH Family Institute

            Here are the steps for this simple sounding, yet very important part of forming a new time-management habit:

·        Decide what you want as your overall goals… what are your top five life priorities?

·        Write these down – A goal unwritten is a wish or a fantasy; it has no ongoing energy behind it.  When you write down a goal, you give it tangible form, focus and power.

·        Set a deadline on your goals; set sub-deadlines if necessary.  This gives urgency and will further help you avoid procrastination.

·        List everything you need to do to achieve each goal – break it down into its manageable parts.  Remember, as you come across new tasks or requirements add them to your list as you go.

·        Organize your list(s) into a plan.  Give items a sequence and order of priority. Decide what has to be done before another task can be done, and so on… As time marches on and new discoveries are made, be prepared to reorganize or add to your list, but again, do them on paper!

·        Take action on your plan as soon as possible and as often as needed.  An average plan vigorously executed is far better than a brilliant plan on which nothing is done.

·        Lastly, resolve to do something each day that moves you toward your major goal.  Build this into your daily schedule.  Keep pushing forward; once you start moving, keep moving forward.

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